

总有一些人,觉得你的付出是应该的,你对他们的好是理所当然,你处处迁就,凡事让步,委屈了自己,讨好着他人,时间久了,他们更是得寸进尺山村鬼事 ,不珍惜你的真心,不在乎你的努力,一次次为难,一次次排斥。

Thank you, mom!
On the bumpy journey of life, who gives you the most sincere care, who is asking you for warmth, who is still working day and night for the family, giving you selfless dedication at all times; Who tirelessly teaches you the truth of being a man; Who CARES about your trifles? Right! It was a great mother.
My mother is an ordinary peasant, but she is not as great as the mother of the world. You are so ordinary, so strong, the mother is a strong life, you alone face the difficulties and setbacks of life, you make this home warm.
Remember in school, in order to I can study well, you are always early hot hot dinner every day, every day after school in the afternoon福晋当家 , you will always be on the road home looking forward to my return, when do homework late at night a person, is you for I put on a thick coat. At home, my mother's love and affection are all around me. In the school, my mother's thoughts are like a silk screen. In company, my mother's true feelings and sweet moment infect me...
Although my family is not good, my mother won't let me suffer a little injustice outside. Each school to buy something, as long as it is about learning, mother even no, she will come together to give to us in time, each year of school, his mother will be ready for our early tuition, because mom know, no matter to poor family would not let us embarrassed in the outside, this is the mother of manhood月光曲钢琴谱, so I really feel very gratified.
I will never forget the day before, when I was on my way home from school, and I overheard my neighbors talking... Uneasiness let me quicken my pace, finally home, ran into the house to see you cry to tear your heart, let me feel like the sky broke down like... I believe that no mother can accept the fact that you can no longer stand up... After the pain, your will gave me strength, gave me hope!
Remember the first time out of work, are you take me to the station, when I get in the mood of anxiety unknowingly yong in my heart, too much feeling, finally can ease the burden for you, finally can let you no longer work for me, because I carry you want to go to another strange city, to the window when I saw you one eye, secretly your eyes has been constantly keep the tears, this is the happy tears, tears of hope. For so many years, at this moment to be separated, and it is going to far away places, you have too much, will not accustomed to, I know you worry about I'm a man over there is used, whether a person can, it should be a person in the outside to pay attention to safety. But when I set foot on my journey, I told myself silently that I would work hard and live up to your expectations.
Car slowly started, to send their children there are a lot of relatives, but only see you in the back of the car ran a long way, the car is more and more far from home, finally disappear in the line of sight of you, you didn't stop the pace of chasing, I cry very sad, the heart like you the mother was defiled! I sat by the window and looked out the window from time to time. I was afraid that when I came back home again, I would forget the way home... .
After a night's journey, finally the destination is huizhou. Get off first thing in the busy to call you (the telephone is in order to I purposely put), until now, almost every week to call you, tell you about about home, work, life, you always will say only outside in a happy life, work hard, take care yourself, have a good attention to the body. In people skills is time, is your education I life of truth, when at a low ebb, is she always encourage me唐运动 , when the pressure of endurance to the outside world, is you for I hold up a piece of the sky, all the wind and rain; You hold up a warm home for me. At this time聂琪 , my tears have been unable to help out, thank you, mom城市规划招聘 ! Thank you for always knowing me. Thank you for always supporting me.
The year is flowing, the years are passing by, the hair of the mother is all white, the bent waist plate has not been the youth of the upright, the faltering pace makes the mother even appear the old state. The mother is really old, the time of the vicissitudes engraved in the mother's peaceful smile. Every time I see a loving mother, the warmth arises spontaneously, and there are many memories in the past that are engraved in my mind.
Maternal love is unselfish, it is unceasing. Mother love is always the most sincere and difficult to give up in life - thank your mother! You are my happiness and pride, always bless you, my beloved mother.
I love you全惠珍 , mom! Your health, longevity, happiness and happiness are my greatest wishes! Happy mother's day!
There are some people who feel that your efforts should be made,
You take them for granted,
You move around, you compromise,
Hurt oneself, please others,
As time went by, they got even more.
Do not cherish your heart, do not care your efforts,
Again and again, repulsion.
Some of these people李先皓 , when you're sad, are gone.
Some of these people,曲芷含 when you're down and out, break up,
You take it with your heart, and you keep it.
Never mind your heart,
When you care about him most, he is not rare.
He came back when you wanted to give him up.
And you, long ago cool heart, withdrew love.
A lot of times, when you face the real you,
Many people may not be as sincere as you,
In the eyes of those who do not care about you,
Your pay is cheap, your ingratiating is to be,
In the ungrateful heart乔卡特 ,
Your kindness is silly, your obedience is cowardly,
These people, never see your heart,
Never for you.
Life is so short, why let yourself aggrieved?
They do not cherish, why continue to please李锡奎 ?
Your kindness should be valued, and your efforts should be rewarded.
If they don't appreciate it,
You have to put on a shelf,
Let them be sad once.
You pay, you flatter鸿均老祖 , because you care,
You cherish, you tolerate, because you understand,
Then you should have a good deal.
Somebody's favorite, somebody's holding it,
There is no need to do endless ingratiating,
You don't have to worry yourself,
You have to be yourself,
When I have had my life in vain,
Have a happy life!
这样的一些人,在你难过的时候,不见踪影,这样的一些人,在你落魄的时候,断了联系,你用心对待,一直包容的人,从来不在乎你的心情,你最在乎他的时候张孟宁 ,他不稀罕两世软饭 ,你想放弃他的时候,他又回来。而你,早已凉透了心,收回了爱。



你付出,你讨好,是因为在意,你珍惜,你宽容,是因为懂事,那么好的你该有一份好的待遇,有人宠着,有人捧着,不用再做无休止的讨好,不必再让自己事事委屈,你要做回最初的自己,明明白白过一生范德戴肯 ,开开心心活一回!







